Wow. I can't believe it was 10 years ago that I graduated high school. Crazy.
This weekend was our reunion. It was fun to see people that I went to school with so many years ago. Everyone looked great. My close friend Amanda did most of the work pulling the reunion together and she did a really, really good job. It was a great turn out and a successful event.
I haven't written about the news from our agency regarding the extended wait times. I am going to be completely honest and say I did not deal with that news very well. I was very upset and in tears for a day or two. I know everything happens at the right time and in the end it will all work out and bla, bla, bla, but at this moment I want Baby Sam and seeing the silver lining isn't easy. I also know that there are so many families who feel the same way I feel and are just as desperate to bring their child home. I just can't come here and write and pretend that I am not devastated by the extended wait times. One big fear I have with the VN program being so overly taxed is I worry about stability of the program. It's just that so many things can happen and change in two years. It's scary. I do have to say that I feel very secure knowing that we signed with CHI. They have always been very honest and fair. I would be a little more worried if we were with another agency.
It's been hard and disappointing the past couple of weeks, but I know that one day we will bring our little Sammy home.
great "buddy picture"...i bet you had to scan that one in! you guys must have been pretty cold stading in all that snow :)
we just went to my husbands 10 year and it was a lot of fun (mine is next summer). we went to rival schools and dated in high school, so we have a lot of the same friends.
i know the new news is hard to hear. if you need to vent, i am all ears! i know it will be tough, but if we continue to have months like September, maybe the wait won't be as long after all. plus, you have been on the list awhile, so maby the increase won't effect you as much.
I know what you are going through! I didn't handle the news very well either, especially since nobody really knows what will be going on with VN adptions 2 years down the road. Just remember that when you hold baby Sam for the first time, it will be worth every moment of the wait. And by all means, vent if you need to! I know it really helps me=)
I understand your fears-I have them too. The stabiltiy of this program scares me, but I too am glad to be with CHI. I am also glad I am not alone, because the news was really hard for me as well. In fact, I would say it was devastating. If you ever need to talk or vent, I will listen! You can email me anytime. I wish you guys all the best.
My 10 year is next weekend - actually, I had thought it was this weekend but I was wrong, where has my brain gone...
It seems so much longer than 10 years. We had about 330 in our class, so it looks like we will have a bigger group!
Hang in there during this time, I know it is rough!
I am so sorry that the wait keeps growing. It is so hard.
Thanks for the old picture, how fun to see it.
I'm sorry that you have been having a hard time. I am not the most eloquent when it comes to writing, but feel free to write anytime to vent.
Waiting is never easy. Getting news about an extended wait is just heartbreaking. I've been there, too. I doubt there are many people who have taken that kind of news very well, so consider yourself normal. I do hope your wait isn't nearly as long as projected.
Glad you had a good time at your reunion!
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